Search for tag: "design"
"Biostats 1: Study Design" presented by Dustin Long, PhDPart of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage investigators.…
From Geri Davis
10 plays
Course Design Considerations for Inclusion & RepresentationZoom Recording ID: 99014842859 UUID: fm75P9fUTVimAzWzsomvjw== Meeting Time: 2023-10-13 03:33:23pmGMT
From eLearning IT
3 plays
"Leveraging Pragmatic Study Designs in Health Services and Outcomes Research to Support Quadruple Aim in Primary Care" presented by Tapan Mehta, PhDPart of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage investigators.…
From Geri Davis
14 plays
"Biostats 1: Study Design" presented by Dustin Long, PhDPart of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage…
From Geri Davis
10 plays
Epidemiologic Study DesignsSpeaker john Waterbor, discusses the purpose of an epidemiologic study, how to choose a study design and the power of them. Recorded March 10, 2021. The Clinical & Translational Science Training…
From Katherine Bradford
12 plays
Computer Aided Drug DesignPart of the CCTS drug discovery seminar series. Speaker Forrest Smiths, PhD. recorded March 25, 2019 @ PCAMS on the campus of UAB.
From Katherine Bradford
25 plays
Epidemiologic Study DesignPart of the Clinical & Translational Science Training Program (CTSTP). Speaker: Bertha Hidalgo, PhD, MPH. Recorded through Zoom March 25, 2020.
From Katherine Bradford
16 plays