UAB Heersink School of Medicine
Research Faculty Onboarding Workshop
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Access slides and useful links on the eLearning Workshop Resources webpage (https://uab.edu/elearning/workshops/resources). Request Training, Support, Instructional Design, or other eLearning…
Access slides and useful links on the eLearning Workshop Resources webpage (https://uab.edu/elearning/workshops/resources). Request Training, Support, Instructional Design, or other eLearning…
Introduction to Diabetes course by Dr. Hess.
Learn how you can save time and costs with online video. Train and educate staff and create a learning center to preserve company knowledge. Kaltura integrates with all leading LMS platforms, as well…
In the past, it took days for SAP employees to create a single video. These days, it takes them an average of a few minutes. With over 80,000 employees, SAP uses Kaltura to distribute audio and video…