Search for tag: "engagement"
CCTS expeDITIons Forum: Demystifying Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) ScienceOriginally presented December 17, 2024; 12-1 PM via Zoom - Slides from this presentation are available for download on the "Attachments" tab above. Join us for an engaging session to deepen…
From Brian Moon
2 plays
CEI Perspectives: Understanding Clinical Trials in Underserved CommunitiesOriginally presented December 12, 2024, 10-11:30 am via Zoom Join the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) Community Engagement Institute (CEI) for a discussion on raising awareness…
From Brian Moon
9 plays
CEI Perspectives: Building Health Literacy in Rural Underserved CommunitiesOriginal presentation: October 29, 2024 via Zoom Slides from this presentation are available for download on the "Attachments" tab above. Join the CCTS Engagement of Communities for a…
From Brian Moon
12 plays
CEI Perspectives: Healthcare Equity for People Who Are Disabled*Please note: All links and resources shared during this event are available at the bottom of this page.CEI Perspectives: Healthcare Equity for People Who Are DisabledOriginal presentation: June 26,…
From Brian Moon
15 plays
CEI Perspectives: Healthcare Equity for People Who are UnhousedNote: Presentation slides, relevant documents, and links to resources discussed at this event are available on the 'Attachments' tab above. Originally presented via Zoom on May 23, 2024…
From Brian Moon
8 plays
"Community-Engaged Participatory Research: Solving Health Problems & Advancing Social Justice" presented by Emma Sophia Kay, PhDPart of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage investigators.…
From Geri Davis
22 plays
Historic Lines, Current Divides: Connecting Redlining to Present-Day Disparities in BirminghamNearly a century ago, a federal government agency called the Home Owners' Loan Corporation graded the "residential security" of neighborhoods across the United States. Areas deemed…
From Brian Moon
99 plays
CEI Perspectives: Community Violence AwarenessOriginal presentation: Dec 7, 2023 10:00 AM Community violence especially gun violence is a critical public health problem in communities. Community violence takes lives and leaves a lasting legacy…
From Brian Moon
12 plays
CEI Perspectives: Building Healthy NeighborhoodsAugust 30, 2023. This community conversation provided ways neighborhoods and partners can work together to share resources, raise awareness and provide education and insight to build healthy…
From Katherine Bradford
13 plays
CEI Perspectives: Mental Health EquityRecorded May 31, 2023. This community conversation surrounds underrepresented and marginalized groups have access to mental health care, supportive social conditions and access to resources needed…
From Katherine Bradford
4 plays
2022 Community Engagement Institute SymposiumAddressing the barriers to health equity and ways that communities can work together to build momentum toward sustainable change. The Community Engagement Institute (CEI) Symposium is a multifaceted…
From Katherine Bradford
27 plays
CEI Perspectives: Racism as a Public Health CrisisAcross the country, local and state leaders are declaring racism a public health crisis or emergency. These declarations are an important first step to advancing racial equity and justice, and they…
From Katherine Bradford
22 plays
CEI Perspectives: Maternal MortalityThis virtual event featured a panel of experts from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Jefferson County Dept. of Health, Auburn School of Nursing, Alabama State Perinatal Division, and more,…
From Ally Wallen
25 plays
Community Engagement: An Essential Strategy for ChangeSpeaker Shauntice Allen, PhD, why and how to engage committees and the impact that can have for change. Recorded May 5, 2021. The Clinical & Translational Science Training Program (CTSTP)…
From Katherine Bradford
10 plays
Community Engaged Research: Do They Hold Value for Translational Scientists?Part of the Clinical & Translational Science Training Program (CTSTP). Speaker: Martha Arrieta, MD, MPH, PhD (University of South Alabama). Recorded through Zoom May 6, 2020.
From Katherine Bradford
29 plays