Search for tag: "path"
Career Journey - "Stay Curious: You Don't Know What You Don't Know" presented by Keith Jones, MDPart of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage investigators.…
From Geri Davis
4 plays
Kaltura Interactive Video PathsAccess slides and useful links on the eLearning Workshop Resources webpage ( Request Training, Support, Instructional Design, or other eLearning…
From eLearning IT
7 plays
"Career Journey" presented by Patricia Patrician, PhD, RN, FAANPart of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage investigators.…
From Geri Davis
6 plays
"Career Journey" presented by Bertha Hidalgo, PhD, MPH, FACEPart of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage investigators.…
From Geri Davis
21 plays
"Career Journey" presented by Latesha Elopre, MD, MSPHPart of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage investigators.…
From Geri Davis
11 plays
"Career Journey" presented by Alan Tita, MD, PhDPart of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage…
From Geri Davis
16 plays
"Career Journey" presented by Renee Heffron, PhDPart of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage…
From Geri Davis
13 plays
Career JourneySpeaker Orlando Gutierrez, MD. Presented September 17, 2021. The CCTS Friday Fellows meeting provides the opportunity for investigators, trainees, and others interested in population and health…
From Ally Wallen
26 plays