Search for tag: "modeling"

"Structural Equation Modeling" presented by Sylvie Mrug, PhD

Part of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage investigators.…

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From  Geri Davis 7 plays 0  

Structural Equation Modeling

Presented by Sylvie Mrug, PhD on October 22, 2021. The CCTS Friday Fellows meeting provides the opportunity for investigators, trainees, and others interested in population and health outcomes…

From  Katherine Bradford 20 plays 0  

Decision Science & Modeling

Speaker Van Nghiem, PhD, MSPH discusses understanding decision science and health in medicine, understanding the role and types of modeling in health decision medicine and gaining basic knowledge on…

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From  Katherine Bradford 9 plays 0