Search for tag: "telehealth"


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From  James Clark 23 plays 0  

"Telehealth Tools and Where is all this going?" presented by Eric Wallace, MD

Part of Friday Fellows Seminar Sessions; Health Services, Outcomes & Effectiveness Research (HSOER) Training Program, that convenes T32 pre- and post-docs, as well as early stage investigators.…

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From  Geri Davis 5 plays 0  

Age Exacerbates Disparities in Telemedicine Use

Analyzing patient and clinic level data from the O'Neal Cancer Center throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become apparent that among patients who have adopted telemedicine, those who…

From  Connie Shao 10 plays 0  

Age Exacerbates Disparities in Telemedicine Use 1

Analyzing patient and clinic level data from the O'Neal Cancer Center throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become apparent that among patients who have adopted telemedicine, those who…

From  Connie Shao 15 plays 0