This research paper examines the different policies regarding mental health in the workplace within both European Nations and the United States. All people could experience negative mental health in some form or another during their lifetimes. Thus, this paper compares the policies of European Nations and the United States to find the best way to address mental health in the workplace and modify the least effective policy for the betterment of employees. The method that was used for this research centers around quantitative analysis of literature obtained from online databases. For European policy, it was determined that the European Union passed the European Pact to promote mental health by recognizing those affected by negative mental health and helping to fund their treatment as well as encouraging employers to recognize the hardships that employees with mental health issues must face in the workplace. For American Policy, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) provides protection from discrimination in the workplace for those that disclose that they suffer from mental or physical disabilities. The main difference between the two policies that has been found is what is offered to the employee affected by negative mental health. In European Nations, employees with mental health issues could receive treatment, while employees in the united states only receive protection from discrimination. It is assumed that the European Pact could be more beneficial than the ADAAA, because it addresses the issue an employee is struggling with directly while the ADAAA does not do this.